Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction
Let your thoughts determine your destiny

Saturday 16 July 2011


We are all whole and complete.

Over our lifetimes we are faced with elements (physical, spiritual or emotional) and these can unbalance us.  Over time I believe, in response to these elements our bodies create symptoms for when we are not in balance.  I will always look for a natural remedy first to heal myself before I head for the doctors.  Sometimes we have to let our bodies heal themselves naturally.  Your body will tell you what it requires if you listen to it.

I enjoy providing others with information I have found out or tried.  If it can help me I'm sure it can help others.  I just love helping other beings in living a happy and wealthy life.  My posts are of my own opinion/beliefs but I will also post information I have found of interest to me.  I welcome you to comment too.

I am not a qualified doctor so if you have any concerns please consult a medical professional.

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