Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction
Let your thoughts determine your destiny

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Crystals and their meanings..........

Here is a crystal for today.  I will post one each day.  


Colour: Various
A variety of chalcedony. Tones and strengthens body/mind. lmparts a sense of strength and courage. Facilitates ability to discern truth and accept circumstances. Grounding, but energetic. Powerful healer. Works with chakras and attitudes according to colour of stone.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Hidden Messages From The Water

Water - it is so precious to life. How can life sustain itself without water?

Yet did you know that water can be affected by our emotions, by our thoughts? And water can send us messages?

As unbelievable as it may sound, that was what Dr Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher and author claimed in his incredible book “The Hidden Messages In Water”.

I was introduced to this book by my Dad and was thoroughly fascinated by what was written inside! Searching on the Internet revealed large number of websites on this topic.

From Dr Emoto’s work, we are provided with factual evidence that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words and music can affect the molecular structure of water.

Don't believe me? Continue reading.

As you know, snow has been falling on the earth for possibly more than hundreds of millions of years. Each snowflake, we have been told, has a very unique shape and structure. No two snowflakes are ever alike!

Real snowflake photo from Live Science

Inspired by snowflakes, Dr Emoto decided to experiment freezing water and taking photograph of its molecular structure. What he discovered was so amazing it stunned the world.

Watch the video here to see how frozen water crystals are photographed.

There were many fascinating differences in water crystals from different sources and environment. Water from mountain streams and springs show the beautifully formed geometric designs in their crystalline patterns. Polluted and toxic water from industrial and populated areas show distorted and randomly formed crystalline structures.

This is from Japan's Shimanto River, which is known as the last clean stream in Japan.

This is from Biwako Lake in Japan, where pollution is getting worse. Look at the poorly formed crystal structure.

The beautifully formed crystal from the famous fountain in Lourdes, France which is known for its healing properties.

Crystal from Mount Cook Glacier in New Zealand.

Distorted crystal from heavily polluted Yodo River in Japan which passes through most major cities in Kasai.

Now maybe we can accept that the pollutants in the water could possibly affect the molecular structure of water, but what Dr Emoto did next took my breath away! He exposed water to different kinds of music and the water responded accordingly!

By placing distilled water between two speakers for several hours and then photographing the crystals that formed after the water was frozen, Dr Emoto produced the following amazing photos.

Bach's Air on the G String gives the impression that the crystal is dancing merrily!

Soothing Mozart's symphony created this beautiful soothing crystal.

Whereas heavy metal music resulted in this disastrous structure!

The beautiful crystal from water exposed to the Tibet Sutra which talk to people's souls and has a strong positive energy that can heal people's feelings.

Some of you may think that maybe it’s not so unusual that music can have an effect on water as music could generate some coherent vibrations in the water that influence the crystallization process. Well, maybe.

But here’s the shocking stunner! Dr Emoto proved that water can even respond to words! It did not matter which language he used, whether it's English, Japanese or Korean, they all gave the same results! He did this by typing words onto paper and then taping the paper onto glass bottles (filled with distilled water) overnight.

Here's the results.

Thank you

Love and gratitude

You make me sick, I will kill you!

Even deceased persons' names can affect the molecular structure of water. Look at these!

Adolf Hitler

Mother Teresa

Guess what? Even our thoughts and intentions can also affect water. Look at these two photos.

This is polluted water from Fujiwara Dam in Japan before a prayer is offered.

And this is the same water from Fujiwara Dam after a Buddhist prayer is offered!

Astonished? What do all these mean?

These photographs show that water is alive and highly responsive to every one of our emotions and thoughts. It means that thoughts and feelings can affect physical reality! By producing different focused intention through written and spoken words and music and literally presenting it to the same water samples, the water appears to “change its expression”. Awesome!

But where is the scientific explanation for this? Dr Emoto believes that hado or chi is at work here. Hado is the intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter, the smallest unit of energy. Its basis is the energy of human consciousness. Dr Emoto thinks that hado changes according to the consciousness of the observer, in other words, the way we see things.

Since human is 70% water, could it mean that what we think creates our reality, not just emotionally but physically?

And since the planet is also 70% water, would this discovery have profound implications for the environment? Put it another way, could we 'think' a polluted stream clean again?

I don't know about you, but I just find it impossible to read this book and come away without being affected. I really think this discovery by Dr Emoto should be thoroughly investigated since it may have large implications to human health and the entire planet earth.

Sunday, 17 July 2011


Internal Applications

Artichoke Remedy for Acne
The artichoke internal application remedy is specially recommended for acne resulting from liver or kidney problem. Put 30 grams of artichoke leaves in 1 litre of boiling water.  Cover the brew, remove it from the heat and let it stand for about 5 to 15 mins.  Add some honey to make it less bitter.  Drink 3 cups a day

Ginseng Roots Remedy for Acne
Using Asian ginseng as a remedy is more suitable for those who are past adolescence or who have already tried other herbal remedies without much success.  Place 2-3 grams of dried Asian ginseng roots into a cup of boiling water and leave it for 10 mins.  Drink daily for about 10 days.  Repeat every 2 months or so.

  External Applications

Aloe Vera Remedy for Acne
Cut a piece of aloe Vera leaf from the plant and remove the outer thick skin to end up with only a thick piece of transparent gel. Then rinse the thick piece of gel under tap water to remove the yellow latex which is not good for irritated skin and may also cause inflammation in some people.  Apply the piece of gel directly onto the affected skin area, avoiding the eye.
How It Works - Aloe Vera contains the ideal polysaccharides necessary for the skin to repair. It also acts as both a moisturizer and an anti-inflammatory agent.  It will not cure acne but it can heal the damage caused by acne and can help to reduce redness and swelling.

Almond and Honey Remedy for Acne
Mix a small amount of ground almonds, honey and water to make a fine paste.  Gently massage it on the face then rinse off with cold water.

Baking Soda Remedy for Acne
Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water then gently massage it into the skin for about 5 seconds before rinsing it off.  Repeat daily as needed.

Basil Leaves Remedy for Acne
Add 2-3 teaspoon of dried basil leaves to 1 cup of boiling water.  Let it steep for 10-20 minutes then apply to affected area using a cotton ball.

Celery Remedy for Acne
Crush some celery in a mortar and pestle and apply it like a mask on the affected skin area for about 1/2 hour.  Remove the mask by gently rubbing it with some unflavoured yogurt.

Cinnamon Powder and Honey Remedy for Acne
Mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 3 tablespoons of honey into a paste.  Apply to the affected face area before going to bed.  Rinse off with warm water in the morning.

Cucumber Remedy for Acne
Apply cucumber leaves or grated cucumber or blended cucumber paste on the affected face area for 15-20 minutes, then rinse if off.

Egg Whites Remedy for Acne
Clean face and apply egg white using a cotton swab on the affected face area.  This is another way to help on acne removal.

Saturday, 16 July 2011


While doing shopping the other day I stumbled across Cinnamon Tea.   It puts a new twist to a cup of tea.  I think I might start drinking more of it after reading this....

Cinnamon is a great tasting spice that has many health benefits, including weight loss. Here’s how it works and tips on using cinnamon for weight loss.
Why Cinnamon Helps You Lose Weight
Cinnamon can help with weight loss for several reasons:
• Cinnamon Decreases Blood Sugar: When your blood sugar is constantly spiking from the foods that you are eating, you will be more likely to gain weight or have a hard time losing extra weight that is already present. Keeping your blood sugar levels in check is an essential element of weight loss.
• Cinnamon Manages Insulin Levels: Along with maintaining blood sugar levels, cinnamon also helps to keep insulin levels in check. The insulin levels go hand-in-hand with your blood sugar levels, and maintaining lower insulin levels is an important element of overall health and weight loss.
• Cinnamon Creates a Chemical Reaction: When cinnamon is consumed, the body actually reacts chemically to digest the cinnamon. This reaction actually speeds up the metabolism in order to offset the extra heat that is occurring as a result of the cinnamon. When the metabolism speeds up, you are burning more calories and you will lose weight more quickly.
How To Use Cinnamon for Weight Loss
With a little bit of creativity, there are many ways that cinnamon can be added to your regular meals. Sprinkle cinnamon on your cereal for breakfast in the morning, sprinkle some on a pear, apple, or other fruit for an afternoon snack, sprinkle it on yogurt, or add some to your coffee or tea.
It doesn’t matter how you consume the cinnamon as long as you eat it on a regular basis. Keep a container of cinnamon readily available so that you can add it to your meals every day.
What Type of Cinnamon to Buy
Make sure to purchase true cinnamon, known as Ceylon cinnamon. Many stores sell cassia, also known as Chinese cinnamon, which is similar in flavor to cinnamon but does not have the same health benefits. In addition, cassia contains coumarin, a toxic component that can cause kidney and liver damage in large amounts. True cinnamon does not contain these toxic levels of coumarin.


We are all whole and complete.

Over our lifetimes we are faced with elements (physical, spiritual or emotional) and these can unbalance us.  Over time I believe, in response to these elements our bodies create symptoms for when we are not in balance.  I will always look for a natural remedy first to heal myself before I head for the doctors.  Sometimes we have to let our bodies heal themselves naturally.  Your body will tell you what it requires if you listen to it.

I enjoy providing others with information I have found out or tried.  If it can help me I'm sure it can help others.  I just love helping other beings in living a happy and wealthy life.  My posts are of my own opinion/beliefs but I will also post information I have found of interest to me.  I welcome you to comment too.

I am not a qualified doctor so if you have any concerns please consult a medical professional.